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Sunday, September 1, 2013

Breaking News - SG linked startup Viki acquired..

Viki has been acquired for 200M by Rakuten apparently. This is great news for our industry as it is the first 9 digit acquisition and not investment. I met the CEO Razmig once at a Jungle Ventures and he was a smart guy.

And best of all Viki is a classic example of a platform play that can scale globally! Hopefully of the guys who made millions, some are SG funds and SG investors/founders. Then they can set aside some $$ and brains to give back to SG eco-system.


  1. Would there be a case study on Viki soon in the future?


  2. Hi Jason, Viki is incorporated in Silicon Valley with the SG office Viki Pte Ltd as wholly owned subsidiary. Will take a while to dig out the numbers.
